Who is Rolfing for?

Rolfing can help with :

  • repetitive overuse and postural strain

  • chronic pain

  • stress reduction

  • increase physical performance/boost energy

  • ease of movement

  • freedom of breath

  • increase mobility & flexibility

  • repair after injury or surgery

  • an improved general well-being

Does it hurt?

Most clients I’ve worked with left being quite surprised how much Rolfing didn’t hurt! 

While I have heard Rolfing categorized as ‘deep tissue’ bodywork, Rolfers actually work through the layers in a very systematic and informed way. Each session opens up new layers so that going ‘deep’ is really about working with the relationships of the fascial layers to access ‘deeper’ structures, not by using greater force. Rolfers are skillfully trained in various types of touch, vectors and when to use them. I will continually dialogue with you during your session.

What do I wear?

As your Rolfer, I want to see how tension affects your alignment and where your body does and doesn’t move. Most clients wear underwear that they feel comfortable in (bra and underwear for women), or a swimsuit (two piece for women), or athletic shorts (with a sports bra for women).

What is a session like?

I will observe you in various movements, possibly sitting or lying on the massage table. sometimes you will be moving or I may be moving you. This way I can get a sense of any patterns or compensations that are happening in your body and what might be needed to bring about greater balance. 

For much of the session you will be on the massage table and we will be working together through manual manipulation from me and active movement participation from you. I am tracking your response either visually or verbally or through my hands throughout the entire session. Every now and then I will invite you off the table to ‘see’ how the work is translating in to your body. I’m looking for all parts of your body to be fluidly relating together. After the table work I may utilize some movement re-education sitting, standing or moving in some capacity. You may even get ‘homework’ in between sessions.

How many sessions do I need?

The greatest benefit come from receiving the Rolfing Ten Series, that means ten 1-1.5hr sessions spaced 1-3 weeks apart. Each session prepares the way for the next, each building on the other to most efficiently balance out the entire fascial system and beyond. In between sessions your body is integrating the work from the session we just completed so this is valuable space for your nervous system, via the fascia to find new ways of ‘mapping’ your body. You determine how much space you would like between sessions based on how that integration process unfolds.

You can usually determine whether Rolfing is for you after 3 sessions, and there can be some value in just trying one, although the most benefit definitely comes from completing the full 10 series of Rolfing Structural Integration

How often should I get a session?

Ideally you will space your Rolfing sessions anywhere from 1-3 weeks apart. Any longer than that and one could lose momentum to make the changes happen. We will get a better idea of what time interval works for you as we progress through the sessions.

Once you have received the full ten sessions it is beneficial to give your body time to integrate the work. This can take a few months or a few years. You are welcome to come back for individual ‘tune up’ sessions as and when needed or perhaps you might be curious about exploring more of the Rolfing movement work.

Completing the ten series creates a pathway for more curiosity, play, ease and refinement of movement to come in to your body.

Duration and price of sessions

Each session is booked in for 1.5 hrs and costs $150.

Do you take insurance?

I do not bill insurance companies directly for services provided.  However, I can give you a receipt for payment marked “paid” with service codes for you to submit to your insurance company for re-imbursement. Diagnostic codes must come from your medical provider.